Let's Talk About Love, Baby (2009)

An International Traveling Library of Art Books

Originated by Chido Johnson. Coordinated by Sarah Kabot.

Zygote Press. Cleveland Ohio (2017)

Vessel, view 2 (handmade paper, printed, embossed, silk, threads, graphite, found objects, color medium)..jpg
Vessel (handmade paper, printed, embossed, silk, threads, graphite, found objects, color medium).jpg
Vessel. Interior.(handmade paper, printed, embossed, silk, threads, graphite, found objects, color medium)..jpg
Vessel, interior of book (handmade paper, printed, embossed, silk, threads, graphite, found objects, color medium)..jpg
Vessel, det. (handmade paper, printed, embossed, silk, threads, graphite, found objects, color medium)..jpg
Vessel, interior of book, view 2 (handmade paper, printed, embossed, silk, threads, graphite, found objects, color medium)..jpg